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Is your room STILL A MESS???!!!

Do you sometimes find yourself asking your kids questions even though you know the answer?

* Did you just throw your coat on the floor?

* Is your room still a mess?

* Did you leave your math homework at school again?

Asking kids questions that you both know the answer to is not an effective way of teaching them. It shames children and  does not help with a positive outcome. I sometimes wonder how I would feel if my spouse came home and said:

* Is the laundry still on the floor unfolded?

* Are we having chicken and potatoes for supper again?

* Are you wearing socks with a hole?

Parenting children is the hardest job in the world. There are no easy answers or formulas to find the perfect thing to say all of the time. Try to keep in mind that shaming is destructive to children. If you think that what you are about to say may shame your child, I believe you are better off saying nothing at all.

Happy Tuesday!

Need a daily cleaning schedule for your housekeeper?



* Wash dishes

* Clear & wipe down counters

* Clear & wash table & chairs

* Wipe down stove area & sinks

* Sweep & wash floor

* Take out garbage

Living Room, Dining Room, Family Room:

* Tidy

* Sweep & wash floors

Front Hall / Foyer:

* Sweep & mop front area

* Straighten up coats, hangers & shoes

* Sweep front door mat


* Make beds & tidy the room

* Clear all dressers

* Empty garbage

* Take laundry baskets to the laundry room


Wipe down counter area, sinks, tub, & floor

* Empty garbage

* Wipe mirror


Wash & put away laundry

ONCE A WEEK TASKS: (choose one task on this list per day)

* Change linen

* Clear out fridge & freezer

* Wipe down kitchen cupboards

* Vacuum all carpets

* Dust furniture & blinds

Monthly Tasks: (Choose one task per week)

* Wipe walls

* Wipe down windows

* Dust & wipe staircase & light fixtures

* Clean oven

Please note: Schedule should be adjusted depending on the size of the home and hours of daily cleaning help.

What Gift Should I buy my Nanny for the Holidays?

The holidays are a perfect time to show the person that cares for your home and children some appreciation. The big question is always what to buy. Here are a few ideas:

1) Cash – A cash bonus is always useful and most appreciated.

2) Winter Gear –  A warm coat , boots and hat is practical gift as many nannies do quite a bit of outdoor walking.

3) Mall Gift Card- Give your nanny the opportunity to splurge on something new.

4) Do you know a restaurant where your nanny likes to eat? If you do you can give her a gift card to her favorite restaurant.

Most importantly, make sure to include a card expressing appreciation for all your nannies hard work and dedication to your family.

The holidays are a special time for families to get together and celebrate. Many nannies are away from their families and the holidays can be bittersweet. It may be an emotional time for your nanny being so far away from the ones she loves.  A bit of extra love, care and sensitivity toward your nanny during this time can go a long way!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!