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New Nanny Jitters

Our new nanny is starting tomorrow and while I should be so happy and excited, I feel like a nervous wreck. I have been cleaning and organizing my house for the last week in honor of my new nannies arrival. I am not sure why I am cleaning non stop, isn’t that supposed to be her job?

How do I go about settling our new nanny into a routine? Should she follow a daily schedule or should I let her do her own thing?  Am I the only one that gets the new nanny jitters?


Hi Elizabeth,

It is completely normal to feel anxious about the arrival of your new nanny. Having a new person  in your home and caring for your children is new and can be very overwhelming. It is a change for both you and your family.

Your  cleaning and organizing all week does not make you crazy- it makes you smart. Its a great idea because you want to show your new nanny how you would ideally like your closets and cupboards to look. If you left everything disorganized and messy she may think that you are comfortable with your home looking that way.

After your nanny settles in, you may want to show her around your home. I always like to take some time to sit together with our new nanny and my baby and play all together. I like her to see how I interact with my baby and hope she will learn and do the same.

In regards to cleaning, training and scheduling, I think that depends a lot on your personal style. I know some people that like to go from room to room showing their nanny exactly how they would like everything cleaned, organized and put away. They will specify which cleansers to use and which cloths to clean with. Others are more laid back. They may give general instructions and allow the nanny to learn and figure  things out on her own.

I think a general schedule is always a good idea. You may want to include chores that you would like accomplished daily, weekly and monthly.

Wishing you best of luck with your new nanny tomorrow!

New Laws for the Live – In Caregiver Program

New Laws! The Live In Caregiver Program is changing! As of November 30th Nannies & Caregivers will no longer have to Live-in with their employers. The new program will be called Canada Caregiver Program. Click here to read more about the new changes.

Top GTA Mommy Blog features a Review on

My good-friend Anna was 9 months pregnant and about to move houses.  To say the least, she was going to need some assistant in the coming months with house cleaning.  I had a great opportunity come up through my blog and I thought she might be interested in reviewing it on my behalf. is a one-stop-online-shop for help in the GTA whether you’re looking for a nanny, elderly care or a house cleaner.  Here’s her review:


As a mommy-to-be I am looking for help wherever I can, so when the opportunity came up to review, I jumped at the opportunity.  I am a month away from mat leave (if this baby comes on time) and desperately need a cleaner because we just moved in to a bigger house. At 8.5 months pregnant, my mobility is limited and I need a nap after walking up a flight of stairs. is a service for families looking for Nannies, Elder Caregivers, and Cleaners in the Toronto area. It also helps caregivers, nannies and house cleaners find work. It’s a win-win service!

I signed up for the service and filled out my job ad information which took me about 5 minutes.  Once signed up, I was able to contact any potential cleaners on the site as well as be contacted by interested cleaners who saw my job ad. I am only looking for service once or twice a month, and I received 25 applicants within six hours. This is great!  You have the option of receiving the applications via text or e-mail. My one recommendation is to ask people to send their applications via e-mail. I clicked on both e-mail and text as an option, and all of the people looking for work, sent me messages via text. I love text messaging as much as the next girl, but when you receive 22 messages from phone numbers you don’t know, it becomes really hard to track. I am still going through the people who sent me messages!

That said, I have been looking for a good cleaner for a couple of years and have only ever used other corporate services that charge an arm and a leg and  pay their cleaners an hourly wage. I like that I was able to go straight to the source for just $19. Soon I am going to have a house cleaner that I can work with and pay directly. No more strangers coming in to clean my home when I am desperate for a break. Relationships are important and if you find a good cleaner, you’ll never let her go which is why I am excited to have somebody to connect with. When the time comes for me to go back to work, I will definitely look at as an option for child care services as well.

Fun And Educational Activities For Your Nanny and Baby To Do Together

While its much easier to plop the baby in front of the TV and let your nanny clean, consider some of these activities for your nanny and baby to do together.

1) Walk to your nearest Library & Read Books Together- It is never too early to expose your baby to books. The earlier the better.

2) Go for Walks- It is healthy to go out and get fresh air every day.

3) Talk- Babies love information. Whether your nanny is around the house or out and about encourage her to talk to your baby. Let her point out everything around her; trees,  the sky, bees, flowers, laundry basket etc. Babies love to learn new things.

4) Visit your nearest Ontario Early Years Centre, they offer wonderful education programs for children up to the age of six. It is free. Click here to find a centre near you.

5) Sing Songs – Babies love music. Purchase some instruments or make your own (Pots and spoons can work). Turn on the music and let your nanny and child dance and sing together.

6) Outdoor Water Play- Babies love to play with water. Let your baby pour water from one cup to another, water the plants or squirt with a spray bottles. (You can purchase spray bottles at the dollar store!)

7) Count out loud-  Count blocks together as you build them, count cheerios together as he eats them or count how many stairs there are as you go up.

Activity Ideas for Elder Caregivers and Seniors- Keeping Seniors Stimulated & Happy

One year ago today my grandmother peacefully past away in Toronto. She was 99 years old and fabulous! She cooked and baked for her children and grandchildren almost every day until the day she passed. The highlight of her day was when the kids called to tell her how fantastic her food was. Her face glowed as she told them to enjoy and she then planned with her live in caregiver what she was going to make next day.

I firmly believe that my grandmothers cooking and baking added years to her life. People need to feel accomplished, acknowledged and appreciated.

It is important for caregivers and families to discuss what activities can be done to keep the senior happy and feeling accomplished. What does the senior like to do? What is he good at? What makes her feel happy?

Here are some activities that caregivers can do together with the seniors they are taking care of:

1) Baking & Cooking- Have fun experimenting with food in the kitchen. Try cooking soup for a neighbor or baking cookies for the grandchildren.

2) Games – Card games, Scrabble, Trivia and Bingo are all stimulating and fun to play.

3) Arts & Crafts- Painting, Drawing, Beading, woodworking and Sculpting can be relaxing and entertaining. Make something special for a friend, child, or grandchild.

4) Sewing – If sewing or knitting is something they know how to do try making blankets, hats or scarves for a loved one.

5) Dancing- Blast the music and sing & dance to his or her favorite oldies.

6) Talk about the past- Ask about childhood experiences, how he or she met their spouse, first job, best vacations….

7) Watch old movies- Watch old movies together and act and sing along.

8) Walks – Air is good for the mind and body. Try and get out every day. You can stop and pick flowers to give to a friend or to put on the dining room table.

9) Shopping- Going to the mall or grocery store can be a nice outing.

10) Look at old photo Albums- Ask questions about the pictures. Every photo has a story and you can ask about them all.

11) Spa Day- A manicure, pedicure or new hairdo is a great way to spend the day.

12) Massage- A nice warm bath followed by a back rub is therapeutic and relaxing

Should I Hire A Live In Nanny? Pros & Cons

Live-In Nanny Versus Live-Out Nanny

Many Moms love having their Nanny living at home with them and their family.

Others feel a lot more comfortable when their Nannies live out.

Here is what a few of our mom’s had to say.

Pro Live-In NANNY

“Our Live in nanny costs us much less  and I get more hours.”

“I love having  someone that is almost always available for evening babysitting.”

“Its great to have someone that is there and ready to help first thing in the morning.”

“I like having  someone in the house in case of a night time emergency.”

“Its easier to leave the children and go on vacation with my Hubby.”

“My nanny is so  flexible with my work schedule.”

” It’s great that there is no commute. Our nanny never misses work because of bad weather.”

“Having her live with us really makes her part of the family.”

Pro Live-Out Nanny

“I like my privacy.”

“I wouldnt want to have to be worrying about having food around that she likes.”

” I am not used to walking around appropriately dressed all the time.”

“Another person in the house means more utilities, more food.”

“We do not want to lose our guest bedroom and bathroom”


Live in Nanny? Live Out Nanny? Its a personal choice. Nothing is ever perfect. Know your families needs, budget and personality and  make the best decision possible.  

We Love Your Feedback!

I’ve used The Nanny Pages a few times and have had SUCH a great experience.

I’ve posted jobs of all different types (temporary, long term, part time…) and have had quality nannies apply for the job each time.

It’s also so well run, such great customer service!!

I’ve recommended The Nanny Pages to all my friends!!!

I also love their great info posted on their blog!!

D.S., Toronto / Lawrence & Bathurst Area

How to Get the Most Out of your Cleaning Help

Cleaners and Nannies are not mind readers. While you may feel that dusting the blinds is critical, she may think that folding the laundry perfectly is essential. It is important to communicate with your Nanny or Cleaning Help. I find making a list with numbered tasks in order of what is most important to you is a good idea. To get the most out of your Cleaning Help, make sure to communicate what your priorities are.

Click here to find Cleaning Help, Nannies and Elder Caregivers Near you! Full time & Part Time Available!

Want to Sponsor a Nanny Under The Live In Caregiver Program? LMO FEE is now $1000!

Previously, a LMO cost $275 per position.  The application fee has been increased to $1,000 for every position that an employer requests.

There will be no refund in the event of a negative LMO (Now renamed LMIA) or if the employer cancels or withdraws the application.

Thank You Rhona for your Email Today!

Hi Rochel.

I don’t know if this is your company or not, but it is the best tool on the market. In the past it has been the hardest thing to find domestic help.  With the Nanny Pages the response has been overwhelming.

I can now even find help for the odd days or evenings that I may need.

I hope the girl I hired will be happy and stay.

I am telling all my friends about The Nanny Pages.

Thank you.

Rhona Grodzinski